Globe-trotting proprietor Dj Euric's travels to Korea and beyond to stock his cozy boutique, Crazy Eddie's with well-edited selection of vintage specs, plaids, ginghams and preppie bow and neckties.
For a meticulously culled selection of classic Americana , street and prep, check out Homeroom. Brent (Javier) definitely hit the bulls eye with his selection of hard-to-find labels, and service without pretension. Can you please bring in shirts and bags from Steven Alan?
I’m in love with the Bikeshop and oh, Blackbook isn’t bad too! High five guys!
Off to B Side for a bottle or two of cold beer - come join me!
Do you mind if I ask where exactly in Makati these are? They're awesome!
Malugay towards Mayapis in San Antonio Village.
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