(Lazy Sunday brunches at M Cafe and afternoon meriendas at CIBO with you - yes, I feel like I'm walking 'round a ten feet tall)
I couldn’t stop smiling every morning. Yes, It's the silliest things that make me smile. So many of the un-named fears I have had seem to lessen their frightful weight with the simple knowledge since crossing paths with one of the scruffier letters of the alphabet in mustard and blue.
I would like to think my mobile phone will never remain silent, although today officially starts my three week separation anxiety unless someone surprises me with a big hug. Thank you Alexei, Ingrid, Cokie, Lester and DC for keeping me sane.
Here’s my glass and pour me some equal parts Pinot Grigio, Campari and some lemon twist and you’ve got yourself a crisp Italian aperetif.
Salud! ahem :)
Longer Sunday brunch please hun...people's palace?
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