Happily, my New Diversion has begun! And, can I just affirm that there is seldom such a rush as getting myself a new pad of acid free art paper - big repositories just waiting to fill up. I thought the doodling all my stuff would be mostly la la work, but it has been something very different – something I really am enjoying so far.As I create Imelda, it really takes me back months, or years, to when I actually created an ugly Imelda, and some of the material feels really raw all over again. As I'm re creating them, I've been re-viewing things and if I think of something now that is so much more effective than when I origin
ally created it. I know some artist think that kind of do-over is scandalous, as though the first draft is the purest form of artistic expression, but I've always thought that was crap. The emotion is purest in the first draft, but sometimes the emotion damages my ability to express it. So, I think there's a lot to be said for reflection some time later, and a willingne ss to fine-tune creation that may have suffered in the first go-round. Since I'm
doing this sort of re-creating, the process is taking longer than it would if I were simply churning them through my word processor. But, I think that's okay, since the end results are so much improved.

Artwork above by me
colored pencil on acid free paper
stuff you do when you're bored. Me, Meldie and my 10 year old Prismas
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