Style is a question of charm, not nationality. It is not true that French men have more allure or style than men of other nationality. It’s just that they dress with more personality. They don’t follow dress codes and sometimes they mix things in a way they shouldn’t.
As for me, I like my clothes simple, laid-back but not disheveled, comfortable and soft without being washed-out or overly distressed. Versatile-you can wear them day or night. ( 1st and 3rd photo from
Here are photos of my visual mood board of blue, gray white, purple and all things basic:

I feel the same way about basic collared shirts. Plain ones in navy or black are essential. And you can get Le Tigre really cheap over at SM! In all colors too.
true. wait, are the ones in SM real?
btw....guess what, I was at greenbelt 5 last night and boom....FRED PERRY SHOP under construction hahaha...I dont really have to go all the way to Homme et Femme to buy now but I believe it's Jappy's too
At 300-400 pesos a shirt, it doesn't really matter! Maybe it's the local version so technically, it's not fake? Haha I dunno.
true haha....I've to check it out again.
I'd love to have more driving shoes but I'm really having second thoughts with getting a pair in suede as they're bound to get ruined in Manila and I won't get to wear them as much... agh!
But still I want one. haha
I know. My tods lasted for a year…sigh but again, they’re the best
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