I was really starting to think that this craving for something really sweet like I had with Royce two weeks ago was something that I was going to have to just deal with for the entire next year. The days ahead felt dauntingly long, as just getting through one day of this each day has been trial enough. There was also a big part of me that was relieved that I wasn't just being a wussy and a whiner. I only wish I had it sooner, rather than feeling determined to suck it up, tough it out, get the best of it so it didn't get the best of me.
I was incredibly relieved on my way to work last week when I got an SMS from my friend Pia. “ I brought you mango bars, brownies etc for tasting, tell me what you think!”
Bars By Gela is your dessert craving's answer to all things rich and yummy! You can reach them at + 632 854 3048
thanks for the post Ram!
you can check out the multiply site at the following address:
you're much welcome sweetie
darn you! now i'm craving for food for the gods!
hahaha start dialing in now
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