I'm finally back at work after two weeks of not doing anything and have decided to do a bucket list to welcome the new year ( Hey Hey to 2010!). Here they are:
•Have more weekend brunches with good friends ( SALA and M Café has always been a favorite ever since Lumiere closed shop a few years back)

(Photo from hybebeast)
•Have more clothes tailored
•Learn pattern making from mom ( which I should have when I was home for the
•Draw, doodle and do whatever on my Moleskine
•Reward myself with a new bag – probably a customized Goyard St. Louis in black and tan

•Travel abroad more often ( Barcelona, Paris, New York, Melbourne, Tokyo, Hong-Kong,Taipei and Georgetown)
•Fly to Zamboanga twice a year
•Go to small group and attend Sunday Service more often
•Paint more and hopefully an exhibit

•Visit sisters in Florida
•LOSE WEIGHT (Yes, I no longer look like a ball – more like the world now)
•Improve spiritual life and honeymoon with God more often
•SAVE (like really save!)
•Get a promotion, a raise and probably be assigned overseas
•Walk more
(other photos from slightly north)
Good luck on your resolutions. I can relate to almost all of them because they look so much like the list I have! We all need to take a step back and enjoy life more often as it can sometimes be a crazy crazy world.
Cheers and let me know about those travel plans!
haha will definitely let you know.probably 2 out of 7 haha
hey ram! nice to meet you.
this is an awesome bucket list. i enjoy reading other bucket lists- it says a lot about the person. i really like the third and fourth from the bottom. sounds a lot like mine!
Hi Melissa! Happy New Year!
Save? LOL, yeah, I gotta start saving and shop less. Last year was pretty crappy for me. Hoping this year turns out great. Btw, I really like your work space and I noticed you got a sewing machine. I sew too :p
Hi Ram. Happy New Year. When I read "save", it reminded me of a counterpart on my end, which is cash flow. I suggest identifying a number where you won't be comfortable seeing your bankbook being lower than that amount. All the best to your 2010 plans. =)
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