December 15, 2012


Before my head explodes, here are all the news that I have been scrambling to find time to blog about. Yes, one more client project and I’m done for 2012. Thank god!

(Look who's thrilled!)

Monocle just sent me a package and I was thrilled to receive a personal note from them. I know it ain’t big of a deal for some but for someone who owns 3 years and a half worth of complete issues of Monocle, I felt like a baby with my first tooth officially peeking through. Two spread on my interview with David Celdran – fantastic! 

(This month's issue of Monocle Magazine with a feature on Hong-Kong, Shanghai and Manila)
Also, a couple of Filipino furniture designers from Cebu and mom’s birthplace, Bacolod, were featured – Monocle’s first!
(A feature on Filipino furniture designers: Kenneth Cobonpue of Cebu and the Gastons of Bacolod)

Ladurée! A box of sugar coated almond from Ladurée  is love. Enough said! Thank you Ingrid!
(Thank you so much Ingrid for this - I'll definitely die of diabetes next year! HAHAHA!)

And yes, that sweet ride (though it felt like my heart was in my throat), I still couldn’t stop myself from smiling.
In closing, It’s past 3 on a Saturday and guess what, my brain is simply swimming!

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