I wear my clothes until they fade and age, happy plaids, shorts cuffed above the knee, dress shirts, pullovers and that huge Jack Spade or any Man Bag for that matter. The reason I dress the way I do has more to do with not being on trend. I wear Sperry Top-Siders, classic wing top oxford lace ups,loafers, driving shoes, espadrilles and track sneaks because I know I can’t screw that look up. They are called classics for a reason. rewind
My belly exploded like a beach ball and now the entire world knows, without a doubt that I'm officially obese. I continue to be shocked at the next, I just continue to blog and write more on everything thatI'm very independent. I pride myself of hefting around heavy boxes, piling up with extra loads of grocery and shopping bags, stacking packs of soda and cases of water in my arms, etc. The way I see it is that the whole world is full of busy tired people, so I've never been one to shirk my weight, or expect others to carry it for me.
With the belly now bulging, my sense of balance completely screwed, and all the achy days this obesity brings, I'm somewhat weaker than I used to be. I walk slower, I lift less and chores take me longer to accomplish. However, I never assume I'm getting out of any task---I just have to do them in new ways, or slower ways. But, what I've noticed is that I'm rarely allowed to accomplish much of anything without helpful intervention from the outside world---and without a single request from me. It's quite stunning.
My belly exploded like a beach ball and now the entire world knows, without a doubt that I'm officially obese. I continue to be shocked at the next, I just continue to blog and write more on everything thatI'm very independent. I pride myself of hefting around heavy boxes, piling up with extra loads of grocery and shopping bags, stacking packs of soda and cases of water in my arms, etc. The way I see it is that the whole world is full of busy tired people, so I've never been one to shirk my weight, or expect others to carry it for me.

i started ballooning and it became not so funny anymore. Ive really decided like last June to cut the poundage and i feel a lot better everyday. I really dont see instant results but deep inside i know it's working. ive shrinked from 34 waist to 31 so it's something right?
anyway just wanna share.
and the clothes are sayang. that i cant live the thought.
Right…I’m hating it. doing my best to lose my extra pounds by jogging along the area and green tea. I’m on the verge of getting myself a sauna suit haha – out of desperation
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