I really enjoy my shopping, so much that I was bleeding internally ( yes, I didn’t shop when I was in La Bella Zamboanga) during my two weeks vacation down south and therapy has been suggested by my mom on occasion. But even I have to step up and say something.
It’s January and summer has sprung? Look around – seersucker, Bermudas and bright “hello sunshine” clothes have already hit the stores. Hello! I just took our Christmas tree down today.
I’m used to summer clothes coming out late February, early March … but mid-January? It gets earlier and earlier every year. The heat hasn’t even made his prediction for summer yet, but that doesn’t stop the retail world. My head is spinning with the season’s trends coming and going faster than I can hide the new stuff. I’m getting tired of being rushed to buy something before I actually need it. When I buy clothes, I like to wear them right away. Besides, who knows if I’ll still like them in two months.

Seersuckers and madras have been out for two weeks in some stores and it’s freezing ( what’s up with manilas weather?). I don’t know about you, but I’m not ready to start thinking about showing off my hairy legs just yet.
Honestly, I think the retail world would make far more money if it sold the merchandise when it’s in demand. Nevertheless, I took the bait. I ventured into Rustans, to take a peak, do some research, not to buy anything. “I don’t need anything” (that’s the speech I usually give to myself). Of course, two pullovers and a pair of lace-ups later (all for less than php____), and score!
How can I feel guilty at these prices?
Every shop had ridiculous sales going on ( DotDotDot, Rustans, ZARA, Tyler, Etc.), making room for all the new merchandise. I couldn’t just walk by a 70% off sale.
Although it’s still a little early for me to think about wearing Bermudas and the beach, it turned out to be a super-retail bargain day.
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